Monday, November 12, 2012

in october...

You made a craft for your cousin, William.

Auntie Mara came out for a visit and we took you to the Aquarium of the Pacific.

 And we went to a pumpkin patch.

We went to another patch a few days later when dad and Lulu were home and you loved examining them and picking one for each of us.

We also went to Utah to meet your new cousin William, except you never got to see him because he's still in the NICU.

 You were a Scotsman for Halloween.

 You loved trick or treating.

 You loved the splash pad and the river.

 We went to a dinosaur museum.  You were pretty impressed.  But dinos are your thing right now so I wasn't surprised.

 On our way home we stopped in Mesquite to meet up with dad. He was on a golf trip there.

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