Friday, January 4, 2013

We survived Christmas!

We took a trip to Naples Island, rented a boat, and cruised around looking at lights.  You loved being the co-captain.

We went to dinner at Rick's drive-in because you love the lights they had up during Christmas.
We did some shopping, played at Disneyland and Downtown Disney, watched Christmas movies...

Then all of the sudden it was Christmas and I wondered where the month went!
 Christmas eve dinner and reindeer food!

 Christmas jammies!

 Christmas morning.

 Santa was good to you this year!

The day after Christmas we headed to Utah for a quick family party and then we brought Mimi home with us for the week.

 Reunited with baby B!

 On the way back through St. George, you finally got to see your cousin William, but just from a distance.
It was a quick trip and you did so well with all the parties and the long hours in the car.  But we're glad to be home and have a few months off from long drives!

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