Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Big boy bed!

We finally converted your crib to a toddler bed about four days ago.  You'd only climbed out of it once before.  Well, twice.  But the second time was right after the first because you wanted to show me again, but that time you hit your chin and you've never done it again.  We finally decided to switch it because your legs were getting stuck a lot.  And also because we're slowly introducing potty training and I want you to be able to run to the potty if you need to.

You've done perfect in the bed.  You go to bed at night without a fight, and you sleep just as long as you always have.  We usually shut your door most of the way, and for some reason since the switch, you ask if we can leave it open.  We do, and you haven't tried to come out.  The only thing I've noticed is that at naps you cry out when you wake up instead of just getting out of bed.  Your room has no windows, so I think you may be a little scared of the dark.  Yesterday I told you we don't want to wake Lu if she's still sleeping, so just whisper into the monitor, "Mom" when you wake up, and I'll come turn on the light.  Sure enough, this afternoon, I heard a little scuffle, like you were trying to get close to the monitor, followed by a whisper, "Mooooom."  It was so cute.

 Keep it up, buddy!
 Last night we went to IKEA and you picked out the Big BIG boy bed that you want. It has a ladder and room underneath to play.  In your tiny room, it might not be a bad idea!


  1. I have that big boy bed! I got it off craigslist for like $50, and it's the BEST. The bottom bunk is great for keeping toys in, or you can put a mattress down there for sleepovers or a reading spot. I also like how there are walls all around it so it's really hard to roll out of.

  2. There are some really cute "hacks" of that bed on around the interwebs. Making the bottom portion a little tent or playhouse. Super cute! Sounds like it was a pretty seamless transition!
