Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Birthday recovery week

You always seem a little down for a day or two after family leaves town.  You look in the guest room when you get up in the morning.  And a couple of days ago I found you doing this.  It's a picture of your Greenhalgh Grandparents.
Grandpa Greenhalgh gave you a gift that wasn't so fun while he was here.  A cold.  You had a couple sleepy, yucky days.

Dad had a day off work and he took us to Ruby's diner for lunch.  Then we took you to the doctor for a flew shot.  You handled it fine.  The thing that (for some weird reason) freaked you out, was seeing the band aid on your leg the next morning.  I ripped it off and everything was fine a minute later.

Wednesdays are the best day of the week around here because it's garbage day and garbage trucks are your new obsession.

We invented a game where we take all the cushions off the couch, push the coffee table a little closer, and you jump/step/fall back and forth.  Hours of fun!
We just got back a while ago from the Huntington Beach street market and dinner.  It was in the low 70's.  The best weather we've had in months so we took advantage of it and sat outside for dinner.  There was live music right behind us at the market and you stood and danced all through dinner.

But as we were walking to dinner you found a friend...who would not stop following up... We finally had to run for a minute to ditch him.  You didn't mind him at all.

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