Monday, November 12, 2012

self portraits and dad's birthday

You've been really into cameras lately.  I need to find one of my old ones and let you play.  These are pictures I saw while uploading to my computer.  I have no idea where I was when you did this and how you got to my camera, but you did.

I just noticed that the last two have dad in the background.  Kind of scary.

Dad's birthday was yesterday.  We had a party with family and friends on Saturday and last night we went to dinner with the grandparents.  

He got 3 cakes and you got to blow out the candles all three times.

 And at Claim Jumper you ate a whole bowl of mac n cheese.  Dad and I commented that we think that's the first time in your life that you finished a serving of anything.  You chowed down!

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