Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Almost Christmas

The month has flown by, and each day I think you seem to 'get' Christmas a little more.  Here's some fun we've had so far...

Decorating the tree...you needed a break after about 2 ornaments.

Dad's company Christmas party.

You had a lot more fun (and still have fun) decorating the felt tree I hung on the wall.

I spent a day telling you that 'soon' we'd decorate cookies.  When I finally got a minute to make the dough, I realized I didn't have eggs.  I whipped up a batch of rice crispy treats and we covered those with melted chocolate and candy and that was just as fun.

You met the elf on a shelf.  He's not too active yet.  (He's only moved twice all month.)  But it's not a big deal yet, so hopefully by next year he'll have more fun around the house.
We went to the uptown Christmas parade.  You're such a little sass for the camera.  I said, "Smile!" and you showed me a mouthful of food.

 Grandma bought you some new shoes at the store we were sitting by.

A late night mallow roast with dad.

 I make cupcakes a lot for work and you like to watch.  You ask a lot for cake so we baked up a batch one evening.

 We took about a week off from all the fun to get through a really bad cold.
 We walked around and shopped on Birch Street and you met Santa.  You examined him from head to toe, but didn't get too excited about the visit.  You're much more excited when you see pictures of him now, though.

 And we finished that evening off with dinner at 'Fries' (McDonald's).

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