Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"He's such a good baby!"

I find myself saying that all the time. Whether we're Christmas shopping, running several errands, hosting a party, attending a party, sitting in church, on a road trip, at a wedding, at a funeral, watching a movie, at the doctor, or going to bed. You're so good!
You're sleeping 6-9 hours a night, and have been for about 7 weeks. When you wake up in the morning between 7:00 and 8:00 you don't cry. You just coo and wiggle until dad or I come in, and as soon as I lean over your crib to get you, you smile at me. It's the best part of my morning.
You nap pretty good during the day. You're content most of the time. You love being under your little jungle gym. You coo and smile at yourself in the mirror that hangs at the top of it and you've started to grab the rings and animals that hang down from it.

You're quite a flirt and all the ladies love you.

Your smile melts my heart.

If you're out of your car seat and we're out in public you never fail to get several comments about your crazy hair. It never lays flat and it really is crazy and so awesome!
You're so close to laughing. We've started this little tickle game with you and you love it! You're trying so hard to laugh and I can't wait for it to burst out!

We had your 2 month well check last week. You had your first round of shots and you did really well. You were a bit fussy the evening of your appointment, but you still slept well and you were happy the next morning.

You scared us though the next evening. You started randomly doing this little gasping thing. I thought you weren't breathing or something. We called the clinic, talked to the on call doctor, he calmed me down, and the next morning our doctor called and had us come in for a quick check. You started doing your gasping game there and you were smiling at her like crazy while you were doing it. She said she thinks its just something new you've discovered you can do and you like to do it. Now that I'm not scared of it anymore, its pretty cute! You don't do it much though.

Someone asked me a couple days ago how I would describe your personality, and I said, laid back, happy, curious, and content with life. (That is a stuffed turtle with a bottle in its mouth. You're asleep, still sucking and still holding on.) Too cute!
I told your dad a couple days ago that you might need to be an only child because if I had another baby and they weren't as easy to take care of as you are, I wouldn't know what to do.
You're so much fun. I'm so thankful I'm your mom. And I enjoy it more and more everyday.

I sure love you, kiddo.

I hope I never miss a day of telling you that.

1 comment:

  1. he melts my heart and i find myself flirting back quite a bit. he's had more Mara kisses than Aron lately. :)
