I think you are getting used to being a big brother, and you maybe even sometimes like it. You often try and put her binkie in her mouth. If you're being loud and I remind you that the baby is sleeping, you put your finger over your lips and say, "Shhh." You kiss her without me telling you to. And I've caught you trying to feed her a goldfish cracker, toast, and a jelly bean. And you lightly pat her on the head, too.We spent a day at Huntington Beach and we tried out the new wagon. You thought you were a pretty cool dude, and everyone on the pier thought you were pretty cool, too. We had lunch at Ruby's and you chowed down on pickles. You got a little frustrated when I wouldn't let you have Diet Coke and mustard. You LOVE the sand. So much so that I've thought maybe a sandbox would be a good idea, but you'd probably get board with how small it is, because at the beach you're all over the place.
You helped Grandma and Poppy pick these roses for me from their garden.You ALWAYS want to help me clean, take out the trash, throw your dirty diapers away, load the washing machine, start the washing machine, fold laundry, etc. I'm sure I'll appreciate it someday... Whenever I let you carry a dirty diaper you plug your nose. And we call the trash the 'P.U.' and whenever I tell you to put something in the P.U. you plug your nose as you do it.Uncle Taylor, Aunt Samira, Grammy and Grandpa came to visit. We went to Disneyland, played at the park, went on lots of walks, and had a pizza party. You made your very own pizza! The crust was (thankfully) already baked because you started to eat it before we baked it with the topping. And you nibbled a lot on the topping too, but you had a lot of fun doing it!You're constantly trying to put the baby carrier on, so Grammy finally helped you put it on and she put your puppy pillow pet in it. You were pretty proud of yourself.That can was empty, but you looove soda cans.That's your favorite book, 'Oh my, oh my, oh Dinosaur'. We've read it thousands of times. You have it memorized. There's a line that says "dinosaurs weak, and dinosaurs strong" You flex every time, just before I read "strong". And you have little things you do for 'dinosaurs hot', 'dinosaurs tiny' and 'dinosaurs looking right at you, to say good-bye, because we're through'. I can only stand the dang book because its so cute watching you anticipate what part is coming next. And I got it at a library sale for 25 cents!We went to Santa Monica Pier with the family. You were absolutely fearless around these pigeons, even when a couple flapped you in the face. You grabbed their tails, walked right through them, and scared them away twice. It was so funny!I dressed you and Addie like footballs for the super bowl. Clearly, you loved it.You had surgery last week. It went really well and you were a brave big boy. It was nothing serious, but it was still hard on me and dad to see you like this. But you woke up fast and didn't cry at all. Recovery has gone well. You've been your normal, busy, happy self. Grammy stayed in town an extra few days to help care for you because we had to give you baths 4 times a day. Thankfully you love baths, but I knew I wouldn't fit them all in without some help, so Grammy was on bath duty and you had so much fun with her.That's what we've been up to!
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