-You plug your nose when you, or when anyone else passes gas. You also do it while I change your sisters diaper if you decided to
-You fold your hands to pray. A couple times during lunch I've given you lunch, tried to grab something to eat myself, and also try to nurse sis all at the same time, I've forgotten to pray. And you remind me by smiling and folding your hands. It makes me so proud of you. And you clap as soon as we say 'amen'. Every time. That one is all you. No one taught you to do that.
-At bedtime, whoever tucks you in prays with you then too, and you fold your hands for that as well. But after that prayer you blow us a kiss and then wave. That's all you too. It melts my heart, ever. single. time.
-You love birds and airplanes and can spot them from miles away.
-You understand so much. I can ask you to hand me something, bring me something, pick something up, etc. and you do it.
-When I say, "let's change your bum" you run to your room and pull out a diaper.
-You try to open the fridge when you want a drink and then you point to the milk or the apple juice to let me know what you want.
-You wave at moving cars in parking lots.
-You blow kisses to cashiers.
-You love puppies and get SO, SO excited whenever we see one.
Other things about you...
You still nap twice a day. I feel the end of that coming slowly. (Takes you longer to fall asleep on the second one, and sometimes it's hard for you to fall asleep at night) I think a lot of moms like dropping one nap so they can have a more free schedule to be out and about, but with a baby who takes two or three naps a day, I love that you still nap twice, too.
You don't like Addison using your stuff. A couple days ago I had your snuggly (a puppy pillow pet) tucked at the side of her while I fed her, you came over and whined until you were able to pull it away from her, then you dropped it on the floor and went on playing with something else.
We still give you bottles, but mostly just before bed and sometimes in the car. It's been a slow process, and I blame myself. Today at the doctor he told us it's time to go cold turkey. So tomorrow we're going to have a little talk about how bottles are for babies, like Addie, and that you're a big boy now and don't need bottles. Then we're throwing them all away together and taking them to the dumpster. (Gulp.)
We moved your car seat to forward facing. It's been heaven, and I can't believe we made it till almost 18 months before doing it. You think you're such a big boy now. And the DVD player and Baby Einstein help with the mood in the car, too.
You love stuffed animals. You have a favorite alligator and you always give him kisses.
You're still a picky and 'moody' eater. Sometimes you'll eat anything, other times, nothing. I'd say we usually get one full meal in you a day, the other two meals and snacks you just pick at a little.
You're favorite foods at the moment are chicken noodle soup, tomatoes and ketchup. You will dip ANYTHING in ketchup and eat it. You usually suck the ketchup off and re-dip two or three times, but you eventually eat the food. You've dipped cereal, pickles, boiled potatoes, green beans, cantaloupe, and pancakes in it, just to name a few.
You also love ice. I go back and forth on being ok with letting you eat ice, and I try to limit it, but you always seem to get ahold of someones old cup of half melted ice and you go to town on it.
After every sip (or pretend sip) you take from a grown-up cup, you let out a dramatic, "Aww!" like you're so satisfied and your thirst is finally quenched. It's so cute.
And the health update...
Still constipated when we don't give you a half a dose of miralax a day. But with it, it's smooth sailing, and it makes me so happy to have you finally pooping pain free, but I hate having to give you medicine for it. We're going to slowly ween you off of it and see if you can stay regular with smaller doses.
You weigh 22 lbs. 6 oz.
You are 31 and 3/8 inches tall.
Your head is 47cm.
You're in about the 25-30% for everything.
Everything looks and is perfectly normal and healed from your surgery.
The slight imperfections in your head shape that the helmet didn't correct have slowly improved as you've grown.
You get more and more secure on your feet all the time, and you're a little speedster, even on dirt, grass, boardwalks, and sand.
You have a few recognizable words. (Enough for the doc to say you're where you should be at this age) And a few more 'words' that we know what you mean, but don't sound how it should actually sound.
Developmentally, the doc says you're right on track.
You love pushing the shopping cart.Green french toast, you licked the plate clean!
Making St. Pattys cookiesOver over nighter to Palm Springs.Out to lunch you asked for more food, so I said, "Let me see in your mouth first." and this is what I got!At your 18 month well check, we combined it with sister's 4 month well check.
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