We celebrated my birthday a couple weeks ago, and I'm pretty sure you thought it was your birthday again. Anything out of our normal routine is like a party to you.The Elbert family came to to visit. You were out numbered by the girls but you didn't seem to mind.We've had some nice weather and have spent our afternoons at the beach and the park. You love being outside. After a day at the beach this week, I put you to bed that night and your mattress was covered in what I thought was crumbs and I wondered if you'd snuck a cracker with you during your nap, but I finally figured out that it was sand. Probably from your hair, diaper, ears, and everywhere else on your body.You thought having Addie in the tub with you was pretty cool for about 30 seconds or so, then you freaked out and wanted your space to squirm and splash.And here's a look at how kicking your bottle habit is going...not good... You actually do better just drinking out of regular cups than you do sippy cups.
We have your 18 month check-up in a couple weeks and I'll update with stats then.
Hyrum seemed pretty surprised if we weren't celebrating a birthday during the day last year between Thanksgiving and Christmas.