Monday, January 21, 2013

Into a new year...

Hours are spend with the play kitchen I made for you for Christmas.  We spend a lot of time in there everyday 'cracking eggs' and 'making ice cream cones' and 'washing your hands'.  I've learned lately that you have quite an active imagination and it's so fun watching you and listening to you.  
 Mimi (Grandma Greenhalgh) was here for a week after Christmas and you two are best buds.  You had a really hard time saying good-bye this time.  I've had to let you cry yourself to sleep, calling out for her several times.  (She's been gone for two weeks tomorrow and there's only been 2 nights that you didn't cry.)  You still ask for her throughout the day and we call her about once a day.  It kind of worries me, but I'm also really glad you love her and remember her.  You and are are taking a Mother/Son trip to St. George on Friday for the weekend and Mimi will be there.  I'm a little worried about saying good-bye again and starting the sad process over.  But now you know we're going so we can't back out. When I say, "Where are we going on Friday?"  You say, "Mimi!!!"  This is a picture after one of our phone calls.  I can't get you to say good-bye because you don't want it to end, so I finally just hang up and this time you weren't ok with it.
You got a new suit for Christmas, and here you are showing it off.

The weather is perfect right now and we love being back outside at the park and going on walks.  You discover new things everyday and I love watching you learn and interact with other kids, you're quite social.

 Bapa and Gaga got a new puppy.  You call him Baby Woof, his real name is Zeek.  And now you call the older dog, Big Woof, her name is Dina.

This was Mimi's last night in California... I had no idea all the rough days ahead we had coming!
I'm pretty sure you love Lulu, but she drives you crazy a lot too.  When she's walking behind you, she catches up and pushes your back so you'll go faster.  She pulls on your shirt a lot ad always takes whatever you're playing with.  But you have a lot of fun laughing and playing together, too.  And a couple of nights ago at Costco, I saw you lean over and kiss her, just out of the blue.

 You're turning into a little jokester.  At Ruby's a few days ago, you turned towards the window so I couldn't see you, and you were shoving something in your mouth.  Then you turned to me laughing, with a big cucumber smile.  You crack yourself up...
And you're good at making me laugh and smile everyday, too.

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