Tuesday, April 9, 2013

St. Paddy's day and a lot of random stuff in March.

We spent the morning of St. Patrick's day chasing birds and running across bridges.

 I love this pure joy face as you run.  You love the great outdoors!
 Watching a choo choo go by.
 I also dyed the waffles and milk green, but you didn't notice.  You just liked the straw.
That night we had a traditional dinner over at the Whites'.

You and Addie have a love hate relationship these days.  Mostly love, but you have your frustrations with each other.  We have a lot of fun though.  And I can't imagine what one of you would do without the other.

'Ice CLEAM' at our favorite yogurt place.
 Lunch date at 'Out-In'.  You love stickers, and you know they give them out at Target, Trader Joe's, and In-n-Out.

 You love playing with, and eating olives.
Dying eggs and opening gifts from Utah.
 You were a little more careful this year with the dying process.  I think by next year you'll fully understand that eggs break.

You love going on walks.  You like to collect flower blossoms that have fallen from trees.  And we pass two senior living centers everyday and they old people just love you.

Chillin' with sis.  And staying busy on the phone while shopping at Target.

We gave you a haircut.  You get lots of compliments on it when we actually comb it and you like checking yourself out.
Spinning and spinning...  We find fun things to do when it's cold or rainy outside.
 We had taco salad and cantaloupe for dinner.  You wanted 'clo-low and dip' (Cantaloupe dipped in refried beans.)
 Dad was savoring this snuggle because you usually don't slow down long enough to cuddle.

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