Tuesday, July 17, 2012

4th of July, etc.

We had a fun 4th.  Festive clothes, food, playing with Grandma and Dude-pa's new ducks, and fireworks.  Oh, and tomato packing/eating.  Luckily, your great-grandpa's garden is growing like crazy, because you love a good tomato picking session.  You usually come back with juice covered arms, a seen covered shirt, a sticky face, and a full belly.  And if I'm lucky, you bring me one tomato. But more often than not, you just show me the tomato and then eat it.  I dare say that at the moment, tomatoes are your favorite food.

You're still a great helper.  You water the plants almost everyday.  And now we have a permanent stool in the kitchen that you climb up on to help with the cooking and dishes.  A couple of nights ago, you and I baked cookies at 9:00 at night, because your sister had a bad day and I could tell you needed some one on one time.  You were so excited and such a great helper/taste tester.

We went to the beach with some friends. You played in the sand for 3 hours.  And you would have played longer if I didn't make you stop to eat, and then eventually go home.  I think a sand box may be a good idea in the near future.

You're having a fun summer!

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